30 October 2007

I have been "Invited"

Hey, my first post!!! So to make things interesting, I'm am going to steer clear from my impressions of Guitar Hero III, and instead give you my impression of a smaller game.
Just got ManHunt 2 today, and I know I got what I payed for. Another Rockstar game that got too much attention because of some "explicit content". While I am sure Rockstar always has this in mind when they create a game, they certainly used it to their advantage this time. This game, which would of most likely plummeted in sales if it weren't for that AO rating it achieved earlier this year, didn't really live up to anything, including the first Manhunt. The camera, while not awful, gives you a worse feeling than Twilight princess does; Less control. The only time you can choose where the camera is is when you are in first-person and stationary. There is a targeting system, but only usable when targeted on something, unlike that of Twilight princess where you can press Z at any time to face forward.
The Graphics were low, even for Wii standards. I was expecting at least something two thirds as good as Metroid, instead we got good ol' 64 bit graphics reminding me of Golden Eye oddly enough. Where you would expect them to make a jump for higher standards, for what violence is worthy of an AO if it has shitty graphics, instead you can't tell whether or not the sledgehammer you are about to pick up is even there, or the killing scenes which is supposed to be the "high point" of the game is so watered down where the only thing you can see clearly are the instructions for the Wiimote and Nunchuck. While I might be sick for wanting to see these disgustingly realistic deaths, knowing they are going on and not able to know... whats going on is more confusing than sickening.
Humor in this game is dark and witty, enjoyable overall. Though three levels in i have not been able to really hear all the jokes. But, the time i have spent in this sick and twisted asylum (and surrounding areas) just sitting and listening to the characters search for you can bring up some humerous dialect... which i forget right now which one made me actually laugh. Must of been empty.
The Wii controls are stable and enjoyable. While it is a little frustrating not to be able to change camera angles, or lift your hands to block, the combination system the Wii version introduces takes over a lot of that empty gameplay. Keeping you on your toes and a little more stressed out than usual.
Could of been better. Wasn't. Oh well, naruto comes out tomorrow.
Fortunately, bought an amazing game along with ManHunt 2.
Bleach: Blade of Fate
A simple fighting game. so simple, that the combinations that characters can dish out can be used either by button combos, or by touching the touch screen. Both have their advantages of course, when doing the combos yourself you are able to really understand which card you can use and its effect (did i mention card elements?). with the touch screen open for combos, everything is smaller and you are not completely sure what you are doing with the card system, which can be a major tide turner in a battle.
Story mode is unnecessary at some points, making you re battle certain people with certain objectives in mind; such as, not using any reiatsu, killing teams in certain orders, whatever. But on the bright side, by doing this the game elongates that which is already too short.
Unfortunately, I beat the main story in under an hour.
Fortunately, soon after i realized there are 20 or so more story lines where you play other as other characters. so along with this Big story line, consisting of many, many hours of game play, there is a challenge system, arcade, versus, training, and a shop to collect many things from the show, including music.
if you love bleach, pick it up. Try not to be disappointed with how they tell the main story.
if you have not even heard of bleach, pick it up, it is a fantastic, light-hearted fighting game that sure to bring hours of entertainment for one or multiple people. (download play)

thats all, hope my misspelling and misuse of grammar wasn't too distracting

One response to “I have been "Invited"”

Brad said...

Good to know someone is playing the games I never will.

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