12 January 2008

The Future of Downloadable Gaming

This is a topic that I have been meaning to talk about on our podcast for the past month or so but we always seem to run out of time for it. The talk surrounding the movie industry suggests that soon, rentals and retail copies of movies will be a thing of the past. This means that we will all be able to download our favorite movies directly onto a box that we can access via remote. This would obviously remove the DVD as a middleman, making it easier to watch our favorite movies. This doesn't concern me much but the possibility of Video games going down the same path is troubling. Many of us, including myself enjoy having a physical copy of the games we own. I for one am 100% opposed to the idea of eliminating the need for retail stores and physical ownership of games. I would love to have the option but for an industry to totally eliminate our ability to choose would be criminal in my opinion. I guess we will have to see where the industry goes in the next decade. What do ya'll think?


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