14 January 2008

Bourne Forum Post

Hey guys, this post is actually going to be a copy of a response I left on the Sierra Forums concerning the upcoming Bourne adaptation that i've mentioned a lot recently. If you listen to the show, you know i'm really excited about the game and worried about it at the same time. I was paroozing the forums today and found a thread that asked for peoples suggestions for the game. I suppose whoever started the thread intends to forward these suggestions to High Moon Studios once enough posts are made. There were a lot of great suggestions but of course I had to offer my 2 cents. I figured I would go ahead and post my response here as well. So here it is:

I'm a huge fan of the movie and the books and am incredibly excited about playing the new game(s). I agree largely with several of your suggestions and am glad to see that other people want this game to be a hit as much as I do.

-1st thing, Bourne doesnt look like Matt Damon because they didn't acquire the rights to his likeness and he has already suggested that he probably wont reprise his role as Bourne in any upcoming sequels. What is most important is that the CHARACTER is accurate, not whether or not he looks like Matt Damon. I personally like the character they designed, he looks like an everyday guy but at the same time, he has the same physique as Damon and looks the part just like Damon. It would have been cool but who knows, perhaps they will acquire the rights and get Damon's Blessing before they start the sequel.

-The character of Jason Bourne (David Webb) is what made the books and the movie so successful, not just the actor who portrayed him. High Moon studios needs to focus on making sure that this interpretation is on par with the original character. By this I mean, Bourne must not only be a lethal killing machine but also incredibly smart and resourceful. I cant stress this enough, the story should be approached with care. Not all of Bourne's abilities can be translated into gameplay so we should also be able to see him react to the situations via cutscenes.

- I know much of the game will take place prior to losing his memory but hopefully there will be a good amount of time spent playing as Bourne after because that is part of what makes the character so unique and interesting.

- If High Moon Studios can do it well, they should definitely incorporate a love interest. In the movies, this helped to add a real sense of humanity to Bourne that would otherwise be nonexistent.

Well those are my suggestions for now. I hope many of you out there agree with me. Luckily I think the game is in fairly good hands and I can't wait to see the final product. Hopefully this will be one of the rare exceptions to the rule that licensed games are bad. If you are excited like me and haven't already reserved the game, show your support and reserve a copy.


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