11 March 2008

New Section Coming

Nick here. For months, I have been trying to decide what individual section I can bring to the site. David does his cover art, Brad does his Independent Game Spotlight but what is it that I can bring to the table? So after much thought, I have decided to bring a weekly "Upcoming Game Disclosure" which is basically a detailed unveiling of all the information relating to a particular title that is coming soon. Each addition will focus on a single title and will include most of the available information including platform, release window, game mechanics, story, developers, history, and of course an explanation of why you should be excited about it's release. I will also include 2 screenshots and a trailer which each post so be sure to check back every week. My first game disclosure will be Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate for the DS. I will hopefully have this up sometime before next weekend along with my full review of Devil May Cry 4. Peace!


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