07 March 2008

New "Project Origins" Details Emerge

So today, Monolith unveiled some new information regarding their highly anticipated followup to FEAR. The game is in development for PC, PS3, and Xbox360. If you aren't familiar, the original FEAR placed you in the shoes of a member of "First Encounter Assault Recon", a special forces group specialized in handling "strange" situations. The game was incredibly atmospheric and creepy while at the same time did a wonderful job of creating pulse pounding action. The original introduced the player to a creepy little girl named ALMA who was incredibly powerful due to her telekenetic abilities. The sequel shows what happens when this powerful being is released into the world to wreak havok.
New Details:
- new, wide open environments in addition to classic, claustrophobic environments
- new weapons that will not be the same as those included in the FEAR expansion
- Multiplayer will exist but Monolith was not allowed to comment on it
- A larger variety of enemies to make things more interesting

Take a look at the new trailer for yourself:


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