31 March 2008

Do Work Son!

So around 1 am this morning I pop in Metal Gear Solid for what was supposed to be a quick play and refresher after not playing it for a few weeks. Fast forward 5 hours later I'm getting ready for school after not sleeping and finishing the game. Please don't misunderstand me, I didn't finish it because it was that good. The game is way too old to play now and the frustrations are almost too much to bear. Thank goodness for the viewers who stuck it out all night. If not for them I wouldn't have finished the last driving portion of the game. There were some pretty good memories for me so thanks to...

keyweez360, raidenMGS, pyrob, yagabaga, harble, bronation, mikey2d, jjray, yokoshima, and kickboxsinner. And I think statix, who harassed me all night but was there the whole time I think? Sorry if I left anyone off, you know how these things go.

Also, I'd like to announce our first official marathon. The 4playerpodcast hasn't officially done a marathon yet, but we've always wanted to. So here's the details

My Aunt who is visiting from Naha, Okinawa will be playing through Pikmin for the GameCube. She apparently is pretty good at it as she has beaten it in 15 days (in game time) with all 30 parts. So she'll be coming over on Friday to play though the entire game which will probably take 4-6 hours. I'll be sitting in on chat while she plays so you guys can ask questions and such. I've not seen her play before so I'm not at all sure what to expect but I am intrigued to see her skills as Pikmin is a fairly fast paced game with lots of micromanagement. So we'll see you some time early Friday evening, I'll post the official time on the JTV scheduler sometime in the next few days.

A reminder, both the shows have been posted for download.
#056 - Nick's G.D. Show
#003 - The Top 5 Handheld Games

There's a new poll up to the left so please vote because we really want your opinion.

Finally, Travis, proof-read you work. My goodness, I know you're in high school but seriously....

"In a nutshell, someone stole about 16500 dollars ingame, which completley follow all the game rules and everything."

Man, that's bad.

I'm now off to school,

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