23 March 2008


Condemned 2...
When it comes to single player, it is still pretty much the same ol' same ol' which I am fine with. some changes I don't agree with, but whatever.
The multiplayer though.... Bleh

I thought it was going to be fun to be a part of the "influenced" and take out the SCU officers that are trying to take me and my brethren down....
Well unfortunately for us, the SCU officers are superhuman.
In the sense that they can take us out in one hit. Gun or no gun.
I am not one to bitch about something being cheap.... but come on.
It is nice we have infinite lives while the cops only have one...
but its that one you have to work on.

I am going to pick up Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 tomorrow, i'll be playing around 6-7 PM Central time. Name is Nobunagas Quest. Give me a ring.

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