14 November 2007

Nick's Assassins Creed Impressions

There has been an awful lot of hype and concern surrounding Assassins Creed for a long time. So far, the reviews have been ranging from 7 to 9 out of 10 and i've heard some pretty valid complaints with the game. I have played only about 1 hour of the game so far and I noticed some of these issues but overall, I want to say that none of the problems have subtracted from the overall enjoyment of the game. Some people have complained about the twist of the game being revealed in the opening sequence.... is this a problem? My answer is no. The twist was meant to shock the player assuming that someone didn't leak the twist onto the net. So surprise, surprise, the twist isn't that surprising. However, if the surprise hadn't been spoiled ahead of time, I am sure that most people would have really enjoyed that aspect of the story. I won't spoil anything but I really intrigued so far by the premise of the game (which is actually quite different than what you might expect). I am playing the PS3 version and I have noticed a few tears and pop ins but overall, this game is an absolute beauty to behold. This game gives Gears of War a run for its money. Considering all of the concern about bugs and graphical glitches in the past few months, the developers really did do a pretty good job of eliminating most of it. None of the remaining bugs are ever too noticeable. Now for the puppeteering controls. At first I thought these would be unnecessarily complicated but they are actually quite simple to get the hang of and a lot of fun to use overall. The combat is a lot of fun so far and the amount of space to explore is mind blowing. Unfortunately, eavesdropping and pickpocketing is about as complex as the investigations have become so far. Thats not to say that it won't get more complex but I've heard that the investigation aspect is not as fleshed out as it should have been. The only noticeable annoyance, and thats all it is, an annoyance, is that the enemies that aren't engaging you in combat wait their turn to be slaughtered instead of attacking you while you are preoccupied. This would have made combat a bit more challenging and added a bit more depth. But then again, thats what sequels are for, and trust me, their will be sequels. Overall, I love Assassins Creed and have only a few minor complaints so far. The complaints many people have given it are justified but I don't find them to be as noticeable or annoying as they seem to think. I will post my full review after I complete the game so be on the lookout for that. Also, I might add that this and Bioshock are my two main contenders for Game of the Year so far but the year isn't over yet.


One response to “Nick's Assassins Creed Impressions”

Brad said...

I'm curious to hear your final impressions as you beat the game. Most of the reviews that were not so positive point out that the game is extremely repetitive and that the second half of the game loses the initial awe factor and ends up being more tedious than anything.

Keep us updated since I am still interested in this game.