30 July 2007

Nicks Top 10 2007

Hey guys, sorry about the lack of posting lately... my life has been a bit hectic. Anyways, i've noticed a trend among game bloggers and game site editors... they love to post their top 10 games to be released each year. So I just thought I would drop in and quickly list off my top 10 to be released before the end of December 2007. So here goes:

10.) Halo 3 (XBOX360) - There is no escaping the hype. The game is just huge and even though I tend to think its overrated, the sheer amount excitement is rubbing off on me. I doubt the game will even make my top 20 games of all time but it will surely be a special gaming experience.

9.) Assassins Creed (PS3)- The story of this game shows promise. If you know me, then you know that this is enough to catch my attention. But lets not overlook the amazing gameplay mechanics and combined with the absolutely gorgeous graphics. This one will probably take up most of my time this holiday break.

8.) Eternal Sonata (XBOX360)- This RPG does something that sets itself apart from other RPGs in the story department... Its original! You play inside the mind of the famed music composer chopin as dreams of an epic adventure while on his death bed. The game looks gorgeous and the story seems sure to deliver. I only hope the music and gameplay elements are as impressive as its premise and graphics.

7.) Half Life 2: Orange Box (XBOX360)- I have never played all the way through the original Half Life 2 sadly enough but I am sure to complete the entire story by picking up this box set. The game comes with the original games plus the 2 additional episodes which are sure to add several hours of gameplay and story. Not to mention Team Fortress 2 which has been in development forever. Portal looks promising but is probably more up David's area of expertise. No matter how you look at it, this game looks awesome.

6.) Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS)- Its one of my favorite game franchises of all time and this addition seems to have some of the best gameplay mechanics of any of them. The fact that it acts as a sequel to wind waker couldnt hurt too.

5.) Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)- Its Mario! In Space! Need I say more?

4.) Heavenly Sword (PS3)- This is one of the first original and exclusive PS3 titles that convinced me to pick the system up in the first place. Having just played the demo, I can say that not only is this game absolutely gorgeous, it has the potential to outclass God of War and possibly even increase PS3 sales altogether.

3.) Grand Theft Auto 4 (PS3)- Its a new grand theft auto... and its beautiful. I dont know what else to say really. Its gonna be good because we all know that Rockstar always delivers. Will it outrank San Andreas? Who knows, but thats why it made number 3 on my list.

2.) Silent Hill Origins (PSP)- Silent Hill does horror right and thats all there is too it. In my personal opinion, this is a game that out ranks the Resident Evil franchise because of its ability to create such a beautiful, yet drismal atmosphere. I can't wait to see how it transfers to a portable system.

1.) Bioshock (XBOX360)- This is a game that is as beautiful as it is creative. The environments are second to none and the story looks to be creepy and extremely atmospheric. With the assortment of telekinetic powers and weapons thrown in, this game is sure to be one of the best games on Microsofts system for a long time.

Well thats my top 10 for the remainder of the year. Peace!

2 Responses to “Nicks Top 10 2007”

David said...

Hey Nick,

So Blue Dragon isn't on your list?

Nick said...

believe it or not, its not. I put it there but at first but then changed it. Cuz honestly, i doubt ill even beat it in the first year i own it. But i still am excited about it.