06 July 2007

I'm Back Finally

Hey everyone, sorry for my lack of updates. I have finally recovered from my 21st birthday festivities and im ready to talk gaming. So here are just a few random thoughts:

1.) I can't wait to see what happens with E3 this year! - There is already a lot of speculation as to what will be announced this year and what will steal the show. I have read a lot of talk about possibly revealing Microsoft's portable gaming device as well as the announcement of the PSP redesign or PSP2. I think it is pretty certain at this point that we will all know a release date for the Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl for the wii. I am hoping the other big titles will recieve firm dates as well, Devil May Cry 4 and Metal Gear Solid 4 for instance. I think Banjo Three-ie will be making an appearance and hopefully a few other surprises that no one will see coming. Basically, this year's show should rock.

2.) I am getting more and more excited about the new Turok. - I think they have finally managed to put together a worthy sequel to reinvigorate the franchise but only time will tell. Although it appears that it wont be released until Q1-2008.

3.) I finally sat down and whipped out my DS so that I could get started on Pheonix Wright for our "Eye for an Eye" experiment and flicked on the power button and my DS's little red light came on and it died! So there it is.... recharging on the wall and probably wont be ready to play until morning. O well, until tommorrow Pheonix Wright.

4.) What's with David burning hatred for the XBOX 360? - Sorry David, but I just read your last post about the XBOX 360 and let me just say that I agree with a lot of what you said but lets get one thing straight.... Being your co-worker and also being exposed to the gaming retail experience, nothing.... and I mean absolutely nothing, is more annoying than the Wii question. Yes, the system has been out for 9 months, and no we dont have any in stock! I understand your frustration but when people are asking you if you have any Wiis in your dreams, you know the problem is serious. Ok, listen up people: I know a lot of you want to get a Wii, but please understand that the only way its gonna happen is if you get in your car and drive to all the retail stores early in the morning (even before they open if possible) and ask. Calling isnt gonna work because they will be gone by the time get to the store and showing up at 6 at night wont work either for obvious reasons. I'm stepping down off my soap box now.

Well, its good to be back and ill post again soon. Peace!

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