01 July 2007

Dead On Arrival

So I I've been playing on my 360 a lot more lately. I took a look at my GamerScore and saw that it was a pitiful 450 Points so I decided to go in and mess with it a little. Please keep in mind though, I have another profile, which I used when I first got my Xbox 360 to keep my score clean from guest contamination. I beat Kameo on it so please add another 600 points to see a more realistic score. But please don't worry, I'm not going to become this point whore who all they care about is getting points any way they can. I'm not going to go out and buy the Burger King game to boost my score, nor will I get a Vision Camera so that I can get points out of making a replica of myself in Rainbow Six Vegas. And I certainly won't go and beat a game like King Kong for an over-inflated 1000 points (Hint, Hint.) I just feel like my score is a poor representation of myself as a game player.

So I popped in DOA 4. I had some fun playing it when it first came out. I got some points for unlocking costumes for the girls, which I enjoy doing. What can I say? I enjoy playing dress up. I was all excited and then came the actual game. I must have just had fond memories of spending time with the DOA girls because I had forgotten how frustrating the game play for the Dead or Alive Series was. Randomly throwing out highs, mids, and lows so that the expertly adept CPU won't reverse every single one of your moves. All while trying to anticipate an opportunity to reverse their moves as well. It's just so hectic and lacking structure that I can't stand to play it. The stagger animations are nice at times but then you have moves that look like they should connect but don't. I just end up floundering around unsure of what my character is doing. The moves are unintuitive and I feel like I'm just trying to memorize someone's phone number (Hint, Hint.) And don't get me started on the presentation. It hasn't changed since DOA 2. It's basically the same selection screen, same animations and quotes, same empty story mode, same unlockable characters and worst of all same costumes! I guess we shouldn't be surprised at Team Ninja and Itagaki for Ninja Gaiden Sigma because they've been doing that kind of thing all along.

I guess I'll have to wait until later this year for VF5 for Xbox 360 or a PS3 for Tekken 5 Online for my fighting fix. But for now I'm going to go play Ridge Racer 6, followed by a nice structured game of Paper, Rock, Scissors, then followed by Dead or Alive the live action movie. Yep, that's right "Live Action."

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