21 March 2008

Brad's Laundry List (The Everymen edition)

Hope this clears things up.

Anyways, I've been failing massively at my own concept and goal here.... well sort of. About a month ago I posted this list with the games and percentages. I've barely touched anything on that list, but to be fair, I have been playing (and finishing) some new games.

Fatal Frame - 33 to 50%?
Heavenly Sword - 100%
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - 100%
Patapon - 15%?

That's the new stuff.

As far as my older list goes?? Hrm. Well I have been playing a hell of a lot more of Oblivion. So I guess we can add 1% to that goal. *sigh*

I'll keep you updated,


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