12 January 2008

Turok Comes Early?

I was working yesterday and as I was checking a release date for a customer, I noticed that Turok for PS3 and XBox360 has been pushed forward a few days. It was originally scheduled for a simultaneous release date on February 5th (Ship date) but is now scheduled to ship on the 29th of January. As of right now, I haven't seen any official news posted by Propaganda Games or anyone else affiliated with the game but it seems like they may be ahead of schedule. Some people might argue that when a game is pushed forward, it usually is the precursor to bad things for a game but I doubt that one week early means anything major. Having recently played through the retail demo, I feel that this game is probably going to be light years ahead of its "crappy" predecessor, Turok Evolution. The game engine is beautiful and seems to have little or problem running at a constant frame rate. I seem to remember reading that they had entered the de-bugging stage and that they had been a little bit ahead of schedule recently so I wouldn't be surprised if this new launch day sticks. This new Turok Franchise seems to be on the right track but I guess we will all find out when it hits store shelves. Expect my full impressions once I have the game in my hands.


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