02 January 2008

The Return of Lara in 2008

While I was paroozing some gaming magazines yesterday, I stumbled across the new issue of PLAY magazine and was surprisingly intrigued by the cover story. Apparently, Crystal Dynamics is developing the first true next generation Tomb Raider game which is currently referred to as Tomb Raider 8. The last Tomb Raider game was also developed by Crystal Dynamics and was heralded as the first good Tomb Raider sequel and this new one seems to be on track to be another success. One shamefu secret I have yet to mention on the podcast is that I have never really played through any Tomb Raider game. This is not because I dislike the franchise but because I had typically heard very negative things about all of the sequels. Reading this article actually has me quite pumped to see it in action. It is being developed by two teams that specialize on either PS3 or XB360 so that each version will use their system to its full potential. Its kind of funny that Brad made the comment last week that the "wet effect" from Uncharted would look even better on Lara because this game seems to be really taking that to heart. This new game looks to be bringing Lara back to her roots and seems to have a lot more in common with the original than any of its later, disappointing sequels. I hope Crystal Dynamics can pull it off.

I have been interested in giving this franchise a fair chance for awhile now but I think I finally have a plan. Since the original game and Legends are said to be the only games worthy of their title, I will be picking up and playing Tomb Raider Anniversary and Tomb Raider Legends this year before I pick up Tomb Raider 8 for the PS3 later this year. Now the question is which versions will I play. I have the option of playing Anniversary on either PS2, Wii, or PSP and I will most likely play Legends on Xbox 360. As for Anniversary, I will reveal my decision on one of the upcoming shows.

Thats it for now, Later!


One response to “The Return of Lara in 2008”

Brad said...

Play it on PS2.

Trust me, best controls.