30 March 2008


So i have heard of Eve before, especially around that time that huge heist occurred. eve.klaki.net/heist/. In a nutshell, someone stole about 16500 dollars ingame, which completley follow all the game rules and everything.

To me that is pretty bad ass. But i knew about that and still never picked it up. Well that has changed my friends.

As I looked upon my friendly world of warcraft website, deciding if i should download the game or go out and buy it, a thought came to me. What if i just play something new instead of wasting hundreds and hundreds of hours on a game i have already wasted hundreds and hundreds of hours on. So i began the quest for the most interesting looking MMORPG on the net.

Well i stumbled across eve, again.

And let me tell you what drew me, and this is a direct quote.

"One could compare this to the difference between a playground, such as EVE, and a theme park, which would be the traditional MMOG. In a playground you have access to different kinds of toys and rides, and you are allowed to use your own imagination to figure out how to create games you enjoy. In a theme park all the rides have been created for you and are either good or bad by design. The playground clearly offers more freedom but it requires you to think and be an active participant, while the theme park has taken those responsibilities away from you and you can just go with the flow. As an interesting side-note, "theme park" style MMORPGs commonly develop lines, just like real world theme parks, as players wait for monster spawns, rare items, or quest requirements."

To me this is so true.
This game enables you to live in a seamless space environment with 500-1000 different Solar systems to explore. No load times except when you dock your ship.
There are always about 10,000 people on at all times, only because the amount of servers in this game is next to zero, literally.
The opportunities in this game are next to endless, enabling you to become a private miner, a freelancer, an inventor, industrialist, small trader, join corporations which have many different uses, hold shares, traffic contraband, become a pirate, and my favorite (and my aim) becoming a bounty hunter.

I am Spike Bitch.
Well my name is actually Ryane Sebi
But whatever, i am a cowboy.
See you in space

One response to “Eve”

Anonymous said...

Quick note, the money stolen would of been equivalent to 16500 outside of the game, in game it was much much higher.