22 June 2007

Understanding Game Delays

So I just recieved the email that I have been dreading. I have just been notified that one of my most anticipated titles of 2007 has been pushed back from August 6th to sometime in November! I am talking about "Silent Hill Origins" which is the next official title in the incredibly creepy survival horror franchise; a franchise that just so happens to be my favorite. Anyways, i'll use this oppurtunity to speak my mind about game delays. Working in a video game store, I have heard countless complaints about big titles being pushed back. This has even resulted in some people cancelling reserves or boycotting the game completely. Well this may be harsh but I would LOVE for EVERYONE to try and understand the following:

Game delays are always done for a reason- Developers don't just wake up in the morning and say "wow... I would love to piss off all of those lovely gamers that help pay my bills". In fact it's quite the opposite. Game developers strive to make games perfect and enjoyable to everyone. They want people to play and buy their games. They want a cash cow that will eventually birth an inevitable sequel. Now, I know a lot of times, they fall short of that goal. Licenced titles are probably most notorious for this. For some reason, developers believe that a licenced game must be released the same day as its film counterpart! If they would take their time and perfect the game and release a couple months later, licenced titles wouldn't have the horrible rep that they do. Think about it, how do you think amazing games like Twilight Princess, Warcraft III, or Gears of War would have been if the developers didn't delay them in order to make them better.

Okay, well i'll get off my soap box now. I hope you may think of this next time this happens... because trust me.... it's going to happen. With that said, lemme also say.... "crap, Silent Hill Origins was pushed back.... THANKS KONAMI!" Peace!

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