Wayback Wednesday was a huge success.
For the first time in about 3 months I beat a game first of all.
Second of all, it was Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
Got a couple of problems with this damn Hedgehog though. One, Don't ever freeze on me like that again. Two, learn to walk up hills. 3, slap your dumbass friend in the face for me. He gets annoying real fast. When he isn't busy falling behind, he is either getting in my face or dieing.
So what i think about Sonic 2 sixteen years after its launch?
Typical. I don't remember much about the game (Especially not level select) But never before did i realize how simple the game actual is once you get the patterns down for the bosses. The last boss, which took me a frustrating hour full of screaming, was easy as pie ONCE you new what to do.
This causes a couple of problems for me.
one, it is basically impossible to go into a boss without dieing your first time because the boss is not based on skill. its based on jumping hysterically trying to figure out what the boss is doing.
It's two or three... or fifty times into it that you begin to understand its pattern, and then take advantage of it. Now i know why i could never beat it as a kid, and i know why its aimed at kids. You can't beat that as a kid, you just run in every time and hope for the best, not knowing the "complexities" that lay hidden.
but as a big boy now, i can and will take advantage of robotnik.
Had a great time, glad all 140 some odd people showed up.
Next week, Golden Axe and Star fox
P.S. Sorry I shrunk the list down to two. But i want to make significant damage into each game. when i am with yall i have a lot more motivation to beat a game than normal. so i will get much farther. God knows i would of put down sonic fast if it wasnt for the fans. So because i am shortening these games, i will be getting pretty damn far in them.
P.S.S. I think i need a partner for Golden Axe. anyone?
03 April 2008
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